Designed by Rutam Rane
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
Praetorians Game Guide // 5. Campaign
This mission also exists in the single-player demo version.
Location: River Arar, Gaul Kingdom of the Aeduii.
Date: May 2, 58 BC.

- Find Divitiacus.
- + Divitiacus must survive.
- Caius Titus must survive.
- Capture the village of Pons.
- Capture the village of Dubis.

Unit Control Points: 191/500.
Troop Control Points: 9/50.
Starting units: 2x Auxiliary Archers (30), Auxiliary Infantry (30), Caius Titus Rudus (Centurion, level 1), Hawk Scout, 3x Legionaries (30), Wolf Scout.
Available units: Archer Cavalry, Auxiliary Archers, Auxiliary Infantry, Equites, Hawk Scout, Legionaries, Physician, Spearmen, Wolf Scout.
Available construction: Ballista, Battering Ram, Catapult, Defensive Tower, repair.
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                  '-. ]5[.   . .  .     .   ~   .         . |2|  ~   '-.
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                        '-.    4  .          . .     .         .   ~ .-'
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| | = Village/barracks (may include various defenses).
. . = Path (minor pathways not shown).
~ ~ = River, sea or lake.
] [ = Bridge or location for bridge.
1 = Start location.
2 = Dubis. Population 300.
3 = Pons. Population 300.
4 = Allied Noblemen.
5 = Western bridge. Divitiacus.
6 = Eastern bridge.
7/8 = Enemy bowmen in wooded ridged area.
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
Dubis (2 on the map above) is not heavily defended and can potentially be taken almost immediately. However, I suggest that you meet with the allied Noblemen (4 on the map above first), since this provides you with additional troops - including Divitiacus himself, who is a Druid. Druids function in a similar way to Physicians, but also have the ability to blind enemy troops. Noblemen are similar to Equites, albeit slightly slower and better in combat. Divitiacus is just to the north of the Noblemen, next to the western bridge (5 on the map above). Once you find Divitiacus and he joins your forces, retreat to the south immediately - there are various enemy ranged troops on the opposite side of the river, many of which you cannot see, let alone effectively fight.

Now head towards Dubis (2 on the map above). I suggest you skirt round the southern side of the map, picking off small groups of enemy as you go. Avoid attacking from the north-west: You would come into the range of a group of enemy bowmen who are hiding in a ridged area of woodland - point 7 on the map above. With Dubis under your control deal with any remaining enemy on the southern side of the river and crank out extra troops. Remember you can promote a unit or two to create additional Centurions. You will also be able to recruit Archer Cavalry for the first time. Archer Cavalry make good escorts for melee cavalry and are an excellent unit to use when attempting to lure the enemy into an ambush. You can only recruit Roman troops - not additional Druids or Noblemen.

If you wish to attack Pons (3 on the map above) using Legionaries you must secure the western bridge (5 on the map above). Legionaries can cross the eastern bridge (6 on the map above) but they cannot then cross the shallow water and advance further onto the northern side of the map. Of the two bridges, the eastern is the most lightly defended. MaLiCe425 writes: "Set up archers (about 2 full divisions) in stationary slightly behind the bridge while your builders [Auxiliary Infantry] repair the bridge. This way the enemy forces will be eliminated before the bridge is fixed."

A direct assault on the western bridge is possible. From Caius Vinceus XXI: "Place some catapults before you repair the bridge. When you have repaired the bridge, build a defensive tower as fast as possible and garrison it with archers." The main difficulty with such an assault is that the bridge is both guarded by Catapults on the path behind it, and bowmen in a wooded ridged area just above the bridge (8 on the map above). Heavy casualties are likely while you attempt to repair the bridge. Maximus Dominicus asks: "Why not try the right bridge first, send equites (2 groups should do the trick) to eliminate the archers waiting by the hill? In doing so your Auxiliary Infantry can repair and cross the left bridge without any casualties." Take the eastern bridge, then attack the defenders of the western bridge from behind their own lines using cavalry. Take care not to stray too close to Pons, or you risk luring the village's defenders out to attack your cavalry. Once the eastern bridge has been cleared, repair it and move your Legionaries across.

Pons is defended by enemy troops on the main approach road and surrounding woodland, and by troops on the ridged area to the north. A direct assault on one or both of these is possible, but it is likely that an attack on one will also cause the other group to join the battle. Maximus Dominicus suggests moving your troops through woodland on to the ridged area just to the south-east of the village, and leaving cavalry by the eastern bridge. "Try positioning your archers behind that village. Two legions to the north and send one over the hill hiding by the trees. Don't forget to build a tower as well. ... Send your Auxiliary [Infantry] to taunt the enemy using their Pilums and quickly retreat behind your archers. The enemy will follow and they will be greeted by raining arrows and your catapults. As soon as you see that you are outnumbered bring in the Legionaries." Finish the confused enemy off with cavalry. Personally I found it was difficult to get troops into position without being spotted by the enemy, which lessened the effectiveness of this tactic. Capture the village by building a new garrison next to it to complete the mission.
Written by timski
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Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
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